Pärnu mnt 15 , Tallinn , 10141, Harjumaa
+372 55553802
Webpage: https://janeripuit.ee
Bulk materials sales, Demolition services, Dirt selling, Dirt sifting, Dumper carriage, Dumper truck services, Dumper trucks, Flintstonse selling, Gravel selling, Lifting services, Sand selling, Snow cleaning, Trailer carriage, Trimming works -
Posti 6, Rakvere, 44307 , Lääne-Virumaa
+372 5040118
Webpage: https://www.rakverepuksiir.ee
Bulding appliances renting, Car assistance , Car towing, Cargo transportation, Crane works, Excavator rental, Mini excavator - loader rental, Mini loader rental, Miniexcavator rental, Towing services, Trailer carriage -
Peterburi tee 48d, Lasnamäe linnaosa, Tallinn, 11415, Harju maakond
+372 6053600
Webpage: https://www.laadur.ee
Archive rollers, Chair lifts, Forklift, Forklift trucks, Hoister extra supplies, Hoisting machine repair, Hoists, Hoists sale, In warehouse forklifts, Industrial furniture, Metal cases; metal cabinets, Multilift services, Roclas, Trailer carriage, Warehouse carts, Warehouse shelve systems, Warehouse shelves Currently closed - Will open today at 08 -
Taevavärava tee 9a, Lehmja küla, Rae vald, 75306, Harju maakond
+372 5187252
Webpage: https://jth.ee
Heavy goods transportation, Oversized cargo, Special carriages, TRANSPORT, TRANSPORT SERVICES, Trailer carriage Currently closed - Will open today at 08 -
Pärnu mnt 13, Märjamaa alev, Märjamaa vald, 78301, Rapla maakond
+372 5064901
Area improvement, Construction sand, Dirt selling, Dirt works, Dumper carriage, Dumper truck services, Dumpers, Excavator service, Excavator works, Filling sand, Flintstonse selling, Green manure selling, Hydraulic shovel rental, Hydraulic shovels, Landscaping soil, Miningworks, Planning works, Road and site building, Road roller, Shovel works, Soilworks, Trailer carriage, Trailer carriage for construction machines -
Vaarika 13-1, Tartu, 50416, Tartumaa
+372 56693856
Webpage: https://kraavihall.ee
Bushwood cutting, Diamond drilling, Diamond drills, Dumper carriage, Dumper trucks, Excavator rental, Excavator service, Foundations, Heating pumps, Miningworks, Septics, Sewerage construction, Sewerage works, Trailer carriage, businessregion.trasside ehitus -
Paju, Tääksi küla, Põhja-Sakala vald, 70402, Viljandi maakond
+372 56688850
Webpage: http://heikibussid.ee
Bus rental with driver, Bus tours, Buses, Mini-van ordering, Ordering for buses, Passenger carriage, Trailer carriage, Tyre works -
Nooruse tee 8, Kabala küla, Rapla vald, 78403, Rapla maakond
+372 5134292
Car transport, Cargo transportation, Conveyance of goods in Estonia, Dumper carriage, International cargo transportation, Logistics, Shipment of wood chips, TRANSPORT, TRANSPORT SERVICES, Trailer carriage -
Sääre küla, Hiiumaa vald, 92347, Hiiumaa
+372 5139865
Heavy machinery, Trailer carriage, Turning work, Welding works Currently closed - Will open today at 08 -
Kalda 1, Järva-Jaani alev, Järva vald, 73301, Järvamaa
+372 53330801
Webpage: https://kaldaehitus.ee
Building and reconstruction works, Building company, Building work, Dumper carriage, Dumper truck services, Eplacement of crubstones, General construction, Miningworks, Outer canal track building, Pavement emplacement, Road and site building, Sewerage construction, Soilworks, Trailer carriage, Water supply and sewerage system construction, Water track constructing, businessregion.trasside ehitus -
Vana-Narva mnt 28, Maardu, 74114, Harjumaa
+372 56254888
Webpage: https://www.abiveod.ee
Caranes, Cargo transportation, Convoy car, Crane works, Escort car, Hoistingworks, Lifting services, Logistics, Oversized cargo, Semi trailers, Shallow carriage, TRANSPORT, TRANSPORT SERVICES, Tail board elevators; Tail gate elevators, Trailer carriage, Trash containers, trailers -
Toome pst 16-23, Ahtme linnaosa, Kohtla-Järve linn, 31022, Ida-Viru maakond
+372 53452425
Heavy goods transportation, Special carriages, Special sized carriages, Trailer carriage, Trailer carriage for construction machines -
Hoidla tee 9, Vaida, 75302, Harjumaa
+372 5034935
Webpage: http://astrumehitus.com
Diamond drilling, Diamond drilling works, Excavator works, Ground heating, Ground heating , Miningworks, Outer canal track building, Planning works, Snow cleaning, Trailer carriage -
Atmodas 26, Aizpute, LV-3456
+371 29295676
Webpage: https://www.versitis.lv
AGRICULTURE, Agricultural services, Bricks, Building and reconstruction works, Building and repairing materials, Building company, Building of private houses, Car maintenance and repair, Car services, Cargo buses, Cargo transportation, Chains, Children's clothes, Children's goods, Chimneys, Concrete mixers, Deforestation services, Deforestation works, Doors, Dumper rental, Dumper truck services, Electrical installation works, Excavator works, Excavators, Finishing works, Firewood sale, Fish breeding, Fishing equipment, Forest immovable purchasing, Forest plants, General construction, General construction materials, Gravel transportation, Harvesting machinery, Heating systems, Heatingwood, Household goods, Hydraulic shovel rental, Keys, Locks, Men´s clothing, Micro vans, Mini excavator - loader rental, Miniexcavator rental, Moldings, Nails, Peat, Perforating equipment, Radiators, Renovating, Road construction machinery services, Roof surfaces, Roofings, Roofs, Room rental, Saws, Scaffolding, Scaffolds, Screws, Small home appliances, Stock growing , TRANSPORT, TRANSPORT SERVICES, Tent trailers, Tiber exporting, Timber trade, Tractor services, Tractor spare parts, Tractors, Trailer carriage, Transportation of bulk materials, Transportation service, Trucks, Tyre selling, Warehouse rental, Water supply and sewerage, Wheel loader rental, Women´s clothes, Work footwear, Working clothes -
Salme 32, Tartu, 50106, Tartumaa
+372 5152591
Webpage: https://karjaar.ee/kevor-auto-ou
Dumper carriage, Dumper truck services, Dumper trucks, Dumpers, Hoistingworks, TRANSPORT, TRANSPORT SERVICES, Trailer carriage, Transportation of bulk materials, Transportation service
Examination of goods
Frostal transportation
Passenger carriage
Special carriages
Transportation of bulk materials
Examination of goods
Frostal transportation
Passenger carriage
Special carriages
Transportation of bulk materials
Cargo transportation
Filling material transportation
Gravel transportation
Moving services, Move service
Railway transportation
Special sized carriages
Transportation service
Filling material transportation
Gravel transportation
Moving services, Move service
Railway transportation
Special sized carriages
Transportation service